Animal Tracker
Redhill Chambers
High Street, Redhill
Surrey. RH1 1RJ.
Tel: 01279 219777

©2024 all rights reserved.
Animal Tracker is a trading name of
PeddyMark Limited.

Animal Tracker registration for dogs.Animal Tracker registration for dogs

My pet has passed away what do I do?

We understand that this must be a very difficult time for you, however it is important that we keep the details of all animals registered on Animal Tracker up-to-date. Therefore we ask you to inform us by logging in to your Animal Tracker account and marking the pet as deceased.

You will need to click on the animal's name in your account page and then you will see the following page where you can click to update the record [picture below].

If this is the only animal we have registered for you then you may wish to delete your account so your data is not held unnecessarily.  You can do this by selecting 'close account' under 'Account Information' section. 

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