Animal Tracker
Redhill Chambers
High Street, Redhill
Surrey. RH1 1RJ.
Tel: 01279 219777

©2024 all rights reserved.
Animal Tracker is a trading name of
PeddyMark Limited.

Animal Tracker registration for dogs.Animal Tracker registration for dogs

I have had an animal I bred and transferred to a new keeper returned to me. How do I update the microchip?

If there is a pending transfer you will be able to see this at the top of your account page. If you click into this you can cancel the transfer to the new keeper. 

Once a new keeper has accepted a transfer & the animal is in their account, they will always have the option to return the animal to the original breeder free of charge. If a customer requests to return the animal, make sure they log in to their Animal Tracker account, click to "Transfer" the animal & tick the box "I am returning (animal name) back to His/Her breeder"

The pet owner will be able to see the option, as displayed below, in their account. If they are not able to login to their account you can ask them to email

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