Animal Tracker
Redhill Chambers
High Street, Redhill
Surrey. RH1 1RJ.
Tel: 01279 219777

©2025 all rights reserved.
Animal Tracker is a trading name of
PeddyMark Limited.

Animal Tracker registration for dogs.Animal Tracker registration for dogs

Why is my Registration / Transfer Code not recognised on Animal Tracker?

Registration / Transfer codes are only valid for 14 days from the date they are generated. If you do not log on to Animal Tracker and use the code within this time then it will expire and you will need to contact the previous registered keeper, implanter or breeder to request a new one. If you can't reach the previous registered keeper/breeder then click here to complete a direct registration.

It may be that the Breeder has passed you their code, instead of initiating one for you. You can still enter this code on the homepage and will be able to generate yourself a new code to complete the change. Alternatively you can call the Animal Tracker team on 01279219777 Mon-Fri 9.00am to 5.30pm and they can assist you.