Animal Tracker
Redhill Chambers
High Street, Redhill
Surrey. RH1 1RJ.
Tel: 01279 219777

©2024 all rights reserved.
Animal Tracker is a trading name of
PeddyMark Limited.

Animal Tracker registration for dogs.Animal Tracker registration for dogs

How do I register my pet online with a Transfer Code

You may have been given, emailed or sent a Transfer Code by SMS which will look like any of these "X6W3HEEZ" or "MVPJFG2W" or "P8P64PDJ".  You can use the code you have on the Animal Tracker homepage. There are two boxes and one has the heading Transfer or Registration Code.  Enter the code here and then click the arrow to continue. You will be prompted to either log in, (if you already have an account) or if this is your first time on the Site you will need to register for an account.  Once you have either logged in or registered you will be asked to re-enter your postcode as final check that you are indeed the right person for the animal you are trying to take keepership of. Once you have completed these steps your pet will be in your account and you will be able to see it from the drop down on the left side of you account page titled 'your animals'. 

If you do not have a Transfer code, or the code you have been given is not working, you may make a direct registration using the microchip number.  There is a small cost for a direct registration but it is a one off charge. If you prefer not to do this online please call one of the Animal Tracker team between 9am-5pm, Mon to Fri. The direct registration page can be found here


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